Saturday, January 17, 2015

SVG Excavator

SVG Speeder was a good salvaging vessel.  She wore four of my automated homing missile turrets and could soak up a reasonable asteroid in a few minutes.  She had been created from my initial credits which I'd managed to obtain during my escape from Gundabadt Station, and had served me well in digitising asteroids for their mineral content.

However as my need to build bigger and greater vessels increased, so too did my need to digitise minerals (both from defeated pirate vessels, as well as asteroids and comets).

So it became time to replace Speeder with a much more powerful salvaging vessel.

I drafted plans to incorporate the shield technology I had developed for the corvette Alannis, as well as banks of well powered salvaging cannons that would make Speeder's own capacity seem small and insignificant.

I also wanted the new salvager to have much tougher armour as I intended to drop the weight of turrets in favour of shields and armour and simply sit under the umbrella of turret emplacements as I claimed asteroid fields for my own.

And so I began building my new salvager, the SVG Excavator.

SVG Speeder shown to the right of the main salvage cores of SVG Excavator for scale
SVG Excavator has 2614 salvage cannons, compared to SVG Speeder's 240 salvage cannons.  In addition she has 212,000 power storage, with 458,000 e/sec recharge.

SVG Excavator's specifications:
Mass: 820.3 tons
Length: 42m
Height: 16m
Width: 27m
Thrust: 237.9 (-98)
Shields: 28000 (+319/sec)

CRV Alannis and SVG Speeder shown next to shipyard and SVG Excavator for scale.
SVG Excavator is much tougher than SVG Speeder

She has navigation lights for port, starboard, deck and dorsal.

She boasts 1x port, 1x starboard, 2x bow, and 1x stern observation lenses.

She has an armoured open core entrance, and an aligned docking camera.

Her engines are not as powerful as CRV Alannis, but more powerful than SVG Speeder.
SVG Excavator is a big step up from SVG Speeder, and will greatly speed up my mining and salvaging operations.

It was time to take her out for her maiden voyage.

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