Friday, February 6, 2015

Work Drone Utility

FRG Thor had taken me a very long time to build, as every digital matter signature needed to be combinated manually, every hull rivet driven in by hand, every weld put down by me meter by meter, and every computer wired and programmed between coffee breaks... It was very slow going as a one-man job... even with the wonders of modern technology at my disposal.

It was time for help.

I created a new work drone that could assist me in collecting materials from the digital matter signature storage facility, and combinate them into the correct format as determined by plans and blueprints, altered in real time as required.  The drone could be operated manually, remotely, or be fully automated while I stirred extra cream into the next coffee.

The base unit is a robotic simple AI with 4 cameras, flashing danger lights, work lights, and 3 attachment points.

The basic initial setup for the WDU includes a power-generation device, fusion welder, small fusion reactor, and a portable digital matter combinator and storage device.

With no defensive or offensive abilities, the WDU is created entirely to assist with building and maintaining infrastructure.
The Work Drone Utility was born, and I immediately set it about creating another 5 just like it.

I watched with delight as the first generated the second, then they both generated another, and so on... geometrically getting faster and faster with the building until finally the last Work Drone Utility took around a quarter of the time that the first one had built the second.  It was poetry in motion.

The rapid consumption of Threns and Mattise in the build forced me to locate my first Tekt and Jisper asteroids.

It left me free to mine or dream up new concepts for the growth of my budding empire while my automated work force went about carrying out my instructions.

The first task I gave my new work force (apart from creating itself) was to create a rack and reload system on the Dry Station infrastructure that would both serve as storage for the units when they were not being operated as well as a place where they could obtain instructions and digital matter signatures for their projects while in operation.

The WDU rack fits 6 units, with the option to easily expand to cope with many others in the future.

Digital Matter Signatures and instructions are transmitted into the docked WDUs via a new cable link
The Work Drone Utility (WDU) has greatly improved my build speeds, and the work sites are always clearly visible even from a long distance due to the collection of flashing orange danger lights the WDUs emit.

WDU is downloadable and available for public use for free.  Simply unzip the folder into your "blueprints" folder (eg: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarMade\StarMade\blueprints) and you will have access to this machine in-game under "Catalog" menu.

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